Welcome to the Audiology Clinic at Racker
Providing comprehensive hearing services for everyone in the Ithaca area for over 25 years.

Monica Brace Van Houten, Au.D.
Why Choose the Racker Audiology Clinic?
We build relationships and change lives.
It can be difficult to admit that you have hearing loss and need help, but the benefits are considerable. With hearing aids, you can hear and understand the people around you better than you have in years, and you may find yourself feeling more confidently involved in conversations and activities. Modern hearing aid technology is incredibly sophisticated and there are some amazing ways we can help you experience a better quality of life.

You may not realize how much you’re missing or even how withdrawn you may be from your family and friends. Hearing aids can improve your quality of life by giving you back the freedom to experience the world around you. Visit us at the Racker Audiology Clinic so we can show you the difference better hearing can make in your life.
Trust is an important part of the relationship between audiologist and patient. You deserve to know that you’re placing your hearing health in the hands of someone with superior training and expertise who will take excellent care of you. We have a solid reputation in our community because we’ve been helping people in Ithaca and the surrounding area with their hearing health for over 20 years. We will always listen to you, so we can fully understand your needs, and concerns, and goals. We will make recommendations, but we let you decide what to do about your own hearing loss.
What to Expect at Your Consultation
No two patients are alike. We personalize our hearing healthcare to your individual needs. We work with people of all ages and abilities and are able to determine what’s best based on their hearing needs. We have a single audiologist on staff, so you’ll have the benefit of continuity of care.
Our office is comfortable, professional, and modern. With just a few employees, you’ll see the same people every time you visit us. Our Clinic Coordinator handles scheduling, and will walk you through filling out your new patient paperwork.
1. Our audiologist will discuss your hearing goals, and involve you in every step of your hearing healthcare visit.
2. You will receive a complete hearing evaluation, which includes a series of tests to help us get the full picture of your hearing loss and make appropriate recommendations.
3. If we determine you’re a good candidate for hearing aids, and you want to move forward with a trial period, we’ll go over your options. Then we will schedule a fitting appointment.